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Form N-400, Application for Naturalization: Application for U.S. Citizenship Instructions and Checkl

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Robert Crowder JrRobert Crowder Jr

There is a difference between a U.S. citizen and a green card holder. A green card holder who is legally in the United States must wait three or five years before she can apply for citizenship. The process by which a U.S. citizen becomes a legal permanent resident if they meet the required criteria is called "naturalization." To begin the naturalization process, the individual must complete her N-400 citizenship application.

Form N-400 Naturalization Application

Form N-400 Naturalization Application is the form used by Green Her cardholders to apply for U.S. citizenship.

Certain requirements must be met before you can apply, but a successful application will adjust your status to legitimate citizenship. If you are a green card holder and want to become a US citizen, the N-400 naturalization application is a necessary step.

Form N-400 Instructions

There are two ways for her to submit the N-400 application: online or by mail. If you are applying from abroad or requesting a reduction or exemption, you must use the paper form and submit it by mail. You must have an account in the US. Create a Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) to submit your application online and sign it electronically.

After you have collected all the required documents and entered your N-400, you must submit your citizenship application to the appropriate USCIS office. If you submit by mail, your materials will be sent to the USCIS location depending on your state and shipping carrier.

If the application relates to military service, the N-400 document must be sent to a special address. See USCIS N-400 page for more information on where to apply.

Below are some helpful tips for archiving your N-400.


Please complete the application in black ink only if using paper

USCIS pays particular attention to ink color.

If any of the documents are not in English, please provide a translation. This saves USCIS an extra step. Make a copy of

N-400 and review it before submission.

Not only is it important to make sure you have the correct information, but you should also know the answers to your naturalization interview. Many of the questions are application based.


Do not submit additional information that is not required for your application. The instructions state what should be included as a copy or original. Submitting incorrect amendments can lead to problems with USCIS or loss of documents. Do not make too many changes or additional markings in the application. If you need to change or fix anything, we recommend using a completely new form. USCIS typically scans responses, but additional markings, liquids, or tape can ultimately cause processing delays.

Don't forget the sign. Missing details may result in an outright rejection of your application. If USCIS receives your application without a signature, your application will be rejected and you will need to reapply with a different application fee. Hiring an immigration attorney familiar with the process can help you do the right thing and avoid the wrong thing.

Form N-400 Required Documents

These can be mailed to a local office or, if submitted online, can be scanned into a digital copy and uploaded to your USCIS account. Documents required as proof of From N-400 include: Expenses; this can be by check, money order, or credit card using Form G-1450 (Credit Card Transaction Authorization)

. Depending on the circumstances, some applicants may be required to submit additional documents at the same time as applying for naturalization.

If he lives abroad and is applying from abroad, he needs two 2 by 2 inch passport photos.

If you are currently married or were previously married, you must prove your marriage in the form of a marriage certificate, an annulment certificate, spouse's death certificate, or a divorce certificate.

If you are applying on the basis of military service, you must submit Form N-426, Request for Certificate of Military or Navy Service.

If you are applying for a waiver of the U.S. citizenship test because of a qualifying medical condition, you must submit Form N-648, Medical Certificate for Disability Exception.

Who is Eligible to File Her N-400?

To be eligible for an N-400 citizenship application, he must be 18 years of age or older and have held a valid green card for five years . If you are married to a US citizen, you have to wait 3 years. These requirements do not apply when applying for military service.

In addition to the waiting period, the following criteria must also be met.

You must be 18 or older.

You must have resided in the state in which you wish to apply for citizenship for at least three months.

Must serve in the U.S. military or provide necessary services when requested.

He must not travel outside the United States for more than six months during the green card waiting period.

You must measure yourself against the standards of the average citizen of your community. In other words, you must have a "good character." This means that you did not have a record of any particular type of crime prior to your submission.You must also tell the truth during your naturalization interview. This requirement is determined by USCIS on a case-by-case basis.

Must pass a two-part citizenship test. A civics test on US history/government and an English test covering writing, speaking and reading skills.

must be prepared and willing to defend the United States Constitution.

Males between her 18 and her 25 years of age residing in the United States must be enrolled in the Selective Services System to serve as military service in an emergency.

See the USCIS Naturalization Eligibility page for a detailed list of eligibility requirements and exceptions to the standard.

Who is not eligible to submit an N-400?

If you are missing any of these eligibility requirements, you cannot submit your N-400. Also, you cannot file an N-400 if you obtained your citizenship from a parent who is a U.S. citizen or if you are the child of a U.S. citizen living abroad.

N-400 Determining eligibility is a difficult process without guidance. Having an immigration attorney guide you through the application process can reduce stress and increase your chances of a favorable outcome. A lawyer can also help expedite the process.

Form N-400 Timeline: How long does it take to process the N-400 form?

As of June 2021, the average N-400 form turnaround time is just over 12 months

This process may take some time, depending on the USCIS field office receiving your application. Applicants can also reduce processing time by submitting early.

Early Submission of N-400

Form N-400 has an early submission rule that allows an applicant to submit an application for naturalization up to 90 days before the green card holder's waiting period ends. You can apply before the 3-year or 5-year waiting period ends, as long as you meet all other eligibility requirements.

You can find your early filing date by looking at your green card date and adding her 3 or 5 years as applicable and subtracting her 90 days. Applying early can give you an edge in the process, but you won't be able to become a full U.S. citizen until you've completed the three- or five-year waiting period.

N-400 Cost: How much does it cost to file the N-400 form?

Like other government forms, there is an application fee for Form N-400. Currently, the total government fee for filing these forms is $725. This is $640 for processing and $85 for additional biometric services. Fingerprints will be taken during the biometric appointment and entered into the citizen database. All of these fees are non-refundable, regardless of whether your application is approved or denied by USCIS.

If you cannot afford to pay the application fee, you may apply for a reduced special circumstances fee. If you qualify for reduced fees, you only pay $405. If you qualify for a full fee waiver, you do not have to pay anything.



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